Thursday, July 5, 2018

Becky called me last night and said, "Mom, can you make potato salad for tomorrow?  We are all going to get together.  Twelve to fourteen of us. Your potato salad is the best, none of the rest of us make it right."

"Sure," I told her. "I'll do that."

"I'm grilling hamburgers and making a pie.  Pat is bringing baked beans and broccoli salad.  I'm not sure what Jennifer (my youngest son, Jon's wife) is bringing."  Then she added, "We're all coming to your house.  My house is a mess, covered with estate sale stuff."

That's how I ended up having a party at my house yesterday.  And just as I had just finished packing over half of my dishes--trying to get a jump on moving.  Luckily, I still had 20 plates left--you never know how many people will show up.  They usually bring friends.  I've done a party for 45 before, so this is not very big.  And Becky has a Valentine's day party every year--once for over 120 people.  We both know how to do this--no big deal.

Becky said, "Look at it this way, if someone spills something on the carpet, it's no longer your house anyway.  Ha, ha, ha."

I will have everything--that is not necessary to life--packed by two weeks.  Sheets, towels, my entire stocked pantry--all of it will be boxed and labeled.  This will be my 26th move.  I know how to move.  It's moving in that I dread.  No two houses are alike--the kitchen is always configured differently.  And closets.  They are never the same.  I will have a long shallow pantry instead of a of a square deep one.  And of course, there is the furniture.  Only the bedrooms are similar.  Oh well, I like to figure things out.  I will just get a measuring tape and soon know where everything has to go.

The party came and went smoothly.  It was a lot of fun.  We had 14.  Jen and Jon brought the two boys, 3 and 6 years old.  They fed the fish in the Koi pond, raced trucks all around the house, and Brady and I found Waldo on at least 10 pages.  I am exhausted.  I have a wonderful family.  I thank God for his blessings.  I thank God for my country and all of those who serve.

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