Friday, July 13, 2018

I think things are going to be okay!!  I am better today than I was yesterday.  I don't feel so frantic that I may not get all this stuff packed.  I went to bed last night and fell asleep without tossing and turning for two or three hours.  I am normally a tosser and a turner, so what a blessing it was to just go to bed and fall asleep.

Of course I woke up at 4:45.  But that's okay.  I had plenty of time to do the crossword puzzle.

I've been watching Nova, and the Nature channel between packing boxes.  Squig is really interested when animals come on.  He lies by my side in my chair and watches TV with me.   Then sits by my side while I pack another box.

Day before yesterday when he had surgery on his leg, they wrapped it in a pink bandage.  When they changed the wrap the next day, they apologized and gave him a blue wrap.  I don't think he noticed.

My grandson's wife Jennifer has been helping me pack on Tuesday and Thursday evenings while David is in school.  He's working on an MBA at night after he finishes his day job.  I am so blessed to have people who have volunteered to help.  It is a lot harder than it was three years ago.  I'm not the girl I used to be.

I can't believe that it was only 7 days ago that  I went to Pryor to get a haircut and all the way there, I thought about the house across the street having a flat driveway.  I came back to Edmond on Friday night, walked across the street Saturday to my realtor friend and bought it.  And sold mine the next day.  I feel like I am in some kind of a dream.

I'm glad life is not graded on the curve.  I'm glad God is taking care of me.  I'm glad I don't have Alzheimer's like my mom and her sister did.  I'm glad I can think.  I'm glad that I recovered from breast cancer.  I'm glad that my children love me.  And even better, sometimes they even like me.  I'm glad that I have good friends.  When I start counting my blessings, they just go on and on.

God is good.

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