Friday, September 7, 2018

Annie, Becky's dog came to stay with me today while Becky was doing an estate sale and Craig went to Dallas.  I had thrown bubble wrap on the floor and left it there as I was opening and unwrapping boxes.  (No, I haven't finished unpacking.)  The door bell rang, and Annie ran to see who it was and crossed over the bubble wrap.  It began to pop.  She would look at her foot and take another step.  It was hilarious.  When she finally got across it all, she turned around and looked down on it with a superior face.  Indignant with the bubble wrap for making popping sounds when she stepped on it.

Annie is fearless.  Or stupid.  None of us can decide which.  We all agree that she is very, very funny. Squig on the other hand, is a chicken.  While Annie was exploring the house during the storm--very oblivious of the rain, Squig was cowering behind the sofa shaking.  No thunder, no lightening.  Just rain.  He is terrified of the rain.  If I leave the room, he will come out from his hiding place and follow me and hide in the room I have gone to.  I guess he thinks I will offer some protection for him, but he refuses to let me hold him.  He just runs from hidey-hole to hide-hole.  I guess he thinks that it is safer somehow if he goes to the room that I am in.

He is very attached to me.  I am very attached to him.  I wish I could comfort him when he is afraid, but nothing I do seems to help.

I thought dogs were dogs--until I got Squig.  I lived a long time not knowing that they had personalities.  I thought that they just had traits.  German Shepherds were smart, Border Collies loved to round up sheep or cattle, terriers liked to hunt moles and dig them out, etc.  But Becky's dogs, Pat's dogs, Ann's dogs, Lisa's dogs and my dog are so different.  They are individuals with personalities.

I have learned some things about dogs.  Squig won't fetch.  He will go get the toy if you throw it, but he won't bring it to you.  He found it, it's his--you can't have it.  But if I put my hand under the sheet and move my fingers he, goes nuts trying to find the mouse, or whatever it is.  He pounces, nibbles and tries to get at the thing that is under the covers.  He is a schnauzer.  They are terriers.  Fetching is beneath them.  One thing I now know--God made dogs specifically for the human race.  They complete us.  They are absolutely wonderful companions.  I would be very lonesome if I didn't have Squig.  Even if he won't protect me from the rain.  Even though he is a big chicken.  He loves me.  That's enough.

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