Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Me, myself and I, planted 43 plants yesterday.  The front flowerbeds are starting to look like there might be some possibilities underneath the weeds and tree seedlings.  It is not a blank slate, there are shrubs--but they are so overgrown that they will have to be removed.  It's going to take a chain and a pickup to pull them up.  The only thing I will have to do is find someone with a chain and a pickup.

The aftermath of planting 43 plants yesterday, is that I am very, very sore.  But it was worth it.  I feel rejuvenated after all the inside stuff I have been doing.  And I am a long, long way from being finished inside.  But getting my hands in the dirt was wonderful.  I am inspired.  I am formulating a plan for how it is going to look when I am finished.  It will be beautiful.

One nice thing.  Since I only moved across the street, I can look out my window and see the beautiful flowers and plants that I put in over there.  It is a lovely view, so I didn't lose everything.  I still get to look at everything I did for the last three years.

I am headed to the nursery this morning to see what plants they have that will survive if I plant them this late in the year.

God did a good job inventing so many different flowers, shrubs and trees.  When I go the the nursery, it is like opening a box of crayons.  Which color shall I use?

The spider lily bulbs that I put into pots before I moved are popping up and blooming.  Yea.

For all of you non-gardeners out there, it's okay.  You don't have to understand my obsession with plants.  I am sure you have obsessions of your own.

Aren't you glad that God made all of us like a box of crayons.  Each one different.  Each one special.  Each one with talents and capabilities that benefit the whole.

We are God's flower garden.  Blooming where he planted us.

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