Friday, September 21, 2018

Becky Bacon is here.  We went garage sailing with my cousin Ann and had a blast.  We--my connection group at church--are packing those shoe boxes (Samaritan's purse) to send overseas tomorrow and found lots of things that were small and new at the sales that will be wonderful to include.  Becky is going to stay another night so that she can go help.   And eat.  Of course we will eat.  That's the highlight of all our parties.

I was so excited about Becky Bacon being here that I forgot to post this morning.  Jeanette sent me a text to remind me.

Becky and I and Jeaninne from across the street moved the three oak bookcases into line with each other.  They were so heavy that we had to sit on the floor and push the bottom of the cases with our feet.  But it is done.  Which means that next week I can unpack the books.  That's the only major thing I have yet to unpack.

I'll write something on Monday.  Today and tomorrow I'm going to play.

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