Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Well, I just reread what I wrote yesterday.  Heavy.  Confusing.  But what I "got" was that God put the Spirit into Adam--but Jesus put the Spirit into us.  I'll try not to mess with Scriptural fine points today.

I went to Lowes this morning to return something, and while I was there, the garden manager marked  all of the plants and shrubs half off.  What was I to do???  After planting nine shrubs this morning, and fertilizing, and mulching, I can honestly say, "What was I thinking?"  I hurt all over.  But the front yard is looking spectacular.  One plant at a time, it is coming into shape.  One more day of digging and planting and I'm done till spring.

Becky Bacon brought one of those nerve-stimulator thingamajigs to try on me, and hooked my spine up.  Eureka!  No pain for hours.  So we ordered me one.  I think the thing is Voo-doo and Black Magic, but mine came Sunday and as soon as I can figure out which electrode goes where, I'm going to use it.  From now on.  It feels like acupuncture.  Lots of little needles but not really painful.  And it works.  (My Brother has one permanently in his spine.  He can't be repaired with surgery.  He has lived in pain for years from when the doors of the underground train closed on his leg and pulled him down the platform.  He grabbed a pole, and tore his leg ligaments and tendons loose.)

Does that mean I don't have to have back surgery.  No.  But it could be months before the Spine guy can even see me, much less agree to the surgery.  (So I'm using the Voodoo and Black Magic nerve stimulator in the meanwhile. )  The surgeon wants to see my medical records--and with all the weird things that I've had done, he may refuse my case for fear of killing me?  I hope he takes me on.  I think he is mostly worried that I don't have any heartbeats (at all) and am on my third pacemaker.  No problem.  Hook me up to a backup battery.  I'll do my part and follow directions.

My brother started asking questions about a zillion surgeries I have had and where the records were.  I have no idea.  I've outlived my doctors.  And shredded my copies of my records.  I don't keep stuff like that.  It's depressing.  It is what it is.  I am what I am--flesh and metal.   But I am anxious about getting the Spine guy to fix my back.

I don't expect to be twenty five again, I just want to be able to bend over and putter in my garden.

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