Tuesday, September 25, 2018

We are studying Galatians on Sunday morning.  Something new comes to me every time I read the Bible.  This time it was about the "Breath."  I have always said that the Breath was breathed into us by God.  But, that's not exactly what the Bible says.  God breathed his breath into Adam.  The new testament says that now, the Breath comes into us by Jesus.

Rome had conquered Israel, and Rome was in the business of building roads to the countries that came under her rule.  One reason the gospel was spread was because travel was now possible.   And that enabled Paul to travel to dozens of towns spreading the Gospel to the Gentiles.  Without roads it would have been almost impossible.  We have Paul to thank for getting the message to Italy, Greece, and other countries, from which it spread over Europe, and finally to us.  We can thank the Romans for building the roads enabling "...when the fullness of time was come..."

 The Scripture we read (where I learned a new idea) was Galatians 4:4-6  "But when the fullness of time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, to redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.  And because we are God's sons, he has sent forth the Spirit of his Son into your hearts, crying, Abba, Father."  Paul was explaining to the Gentiles that they were included by adoption.  Children who are adopted can't lose their heritage.  They are forever in the family that adopted them.  You can't un-adopt.

And there it is:  "...the Spirit of his Son into your hearts..."  I have always thought of God being the Holy Spirit.  But this scripture says it is Jesus.  Yes I know.  Jesus is God is the Holy Spirit, but I had always thought that God breathed the Holy Spirit into us.  This is all convoluted.  But you become an heir when Jesus breaths, gives, his Spirit to you.  I have always known that the Spirit lives in you, but I thought it was God breathing the Spirit into us just like he did into Adam.  But no, when Adam sinned, he lost the Breath.  Then in the "fullness of time"God put His breath back into man through Jesus.  Jesus is our Breath.  It's okay if you don't understand anything I have written.  Maybe this  fine point was just for me anyway and you got it years ago.  One way or another, the Holy Spirit that God breathed into Adam, is now returned to us through faith in Jesus Christ. "Christ in you, the hope of glory."  God planned all along to put his breath back into us.   God planned it; Jesus did it.  Jesus died and rose from the dead putting the Spirit into those who by faith believe.

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