Monday, September 10, 2018

Tony came by last night to report on Austyn.  He is improving, but will have to stay in the hospital in New Mexico for awhile.  Tony brought Tyler back so he could go back to school.  Austyn has no brain trauma, no severed spinal nerves, and should mend with time.  The scars will always be there, but he has his life.  It could have been so much worse.  He is coherent and remembers everything.  He said his grandfather wrapped his arms around him when they went over the cliff and said, "I love you."  An amazing man.  He lost his life, but most probably saved his grandson.

This entire family has suffered a series of tragedies through all of this.  They still need our prayers, and will for some time to come.

There are two kinds of death that loved ones live through.  Expected, inevitable sickness that leads up to a moment when a loved one or friend can't go on.  Or, an unexpected, sudden loss of life with no warning.  Both leave us grieving, but when you have no preparation, no time to say goodby, no knowledge that such a death is imminent, the shock of it is horrible to endure.

Needless to say, we all will face one kind of death, or the other.  Be sure that you know where you are going every day of your life--however long, or short, it will be.  The most important decision a person will ever make is accepting Christ to come and dwell in their life.  The Apostle Paul calls it the mystery of "Christ in you, the hope of glory."

God breathed His Spirit into man when he created Adam.  He breathed into him the Breath of Life and Adam became a living soul--but Adam disobeyed.  When God removed Adam from the Garden of Eden, all persons born after that did not have the Breath of God within--you can't inherit it, and God won't abide sin.  That's the way things were until Christ died for our sin, declared us clean, and sent His Spirit to once again live within us.  That was God's plan from the beginning--to live in us.

But to receive that Spirit, you have to give him your life.  Paul said it this way, "I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless, I live.  Yet not I...Christ lives in me..." Galations 2:20  We die to the old way, and become new in His way.  No more law, just love.  We obey Him not because of fear, but because we love Him.  Our desire is to do His will.  "Holy Spirit, breath on me," is a line from an old hymn.

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