Thursday, September 27, 2018

Went back to Lowes.  All shrubs were one half price so what's a girl to do.  Six more, and I am still not done--buying shrubs.  As soon as I rest up, I'll go get more.  God's blessing was:  My lawn crew came to mow and planted almost everything and moved 48 blocks to the back yard for me.  I said I wasn't going to do anything in the back yard, but it is like a blank canvas--irresistible.  I'm going to paint a beautiful picture just outside my back window.  And now I have a row of planter's blocks lined up three feet from the back of the house.  I need roundup to kill the grass and then I dig.

I can't help myself.

Everyone has been texting: "Where is today's post."  Well, I got up late, went to Dean's Bible study on Isaiah, went to get a new windshield in the 1999 Town Car--which I seldom drive, but it was leaking and I want it dry--of courts.  Dean followed me, and just as he took me back to the house, Pat was sitting in my driveway with a trailer and horse.  She wanted lunch.  Lunch was by Lowes, and when I got back home, I started planting.  It was one of those "One thing leads to another" kinda days.  So it's two in the afternoon, and some of you will have given up on me.  Sorry.  I'll do better from now on.  I'll set my alarm for six in the morning so that I don't come up short on time again.

I knew that Isaiah  was the most important book in the Old Testament.  But It's hard to read so I usually go back to the New Testament.  However, I have a number of verses in green that I have memorized from Isaiah.  Problem is you have to wade through so much to get to them.  We are in the 5th chapter where there are 6 "Woes" and it's pretty depressing.  I think that it was the 4th "Woe" that said that the people had made good look bad, and bad look good.

I couldn't help but think of America today where the buzz word is "Tolerance."  Everything that I was raised in the 40's and 50's to believe was wrong, the media now says that I am now supposed to "tolerate." But I don't, which means I get branded as Intolerant.  Which seems to be the worst thing a person can possibly be.  Intolerant.  I'm guilty.  And I am going to be Intolerant until I kick the bucket.  America is in exactly the same mode of thinking Israel was when God brought 6 "Woes" on them.  I hope I'm not here to see it.  It won't be pretty.

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