Thursday, September 20, 2018

I worked the store yesterday.  Nobody came in to buy anything so I just read magazines.  The store owner, next to the antique store where I was working, said he had no customers either--and that everyone had gone to the fair.  He said that it happens every year during the State Fair.

I went to the fair a couple of times when I was a kid.  It didn't take.  I'm not much of a fun person the way everyone else describes fun.  I'm way to serious.  I don't seem to be interested in things that everyone else is interested in.  My daughter-in-law Stacy says I am a "sociable loner."  I love to be around people, groups, for a little while, then I want to go home.  (I can be fun in short doses?)

We took our kids to Six Flags once.  I didn't ride anything but the boats.  I got wet--which I didn't think was fun, but everyone else did.  They took me up on the Texas Tower, which had an open platform on top.  Bad decision.  Ken had to hold on to me to get me back down.  I thought it was going to suck me over the edge.  I did the same thing at the Grand Canyon.

But the worst "Suck me over the edge" moment I ever had was when I climbed the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  There is a winding staircase going up which is very narrow. Once up, you have to go all the way around to the other side of the platform to get to the stairs that go down.  And of course, the platform is open to the air and leans (drastically)  to one side. Becky and everyone else went ahead of me and when I got to the top, they were all at the rail, having "fun."  I had no idea it would be an open platform on top or I would never have climbed up there.  It started sucking me over the edge.

When I got to the top of the stairwell and realized that I couldn't "back up" and go down the way I got up there, I climbed out on my knees and crawled around to the other side where the staircase went down--with everyone up there staring at me. I didn't care.  Terrifying.  Every inch I crawled, I was praying not to fall over the edge.  If you are one of those--who like me--is unable to walk a straight line when you are on a high platform--and are drawn, sucked, toward the edge, you understand what I am saying.  Others won't.  Don't climb to the top of the Leaning Tower of Pisa.  It leans.  It really leans.  I've had people tell me that a fear of heights is all in my head, and that I should get over it.  I want to smack them in the nose.   I guess thinking that is a sin--so I might as well go ahead and punch them and take my licks.  Than probably isn't he way God intended interpretation of that Scripture???

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