Monday, September 17, 2018

I went to a meeting Sunday evening concerning "going to visit" those who have come to our church sometime in the past. We listened to the "How To" instructions, then three of the people at our table left to go visit and Jeanette and I prayed for them, and for the people they were going to visit.  I don't ever seem to "get" someone else's method of doing this.  "How To" might work for them, but their "how to" isn't my "how to. " If it isn't conversational, it is forced and doesn't work very well for me.

I generally just ask someone if they are "A Christian Person."  By adding the word "Person," it makes the question softer, so they don't feel threatened--like when those people come to your door and start in on you with their "How To" method.  It seems forced, and you feel obligated to listen to them.

Last week a service person came to my house, and after a bit, I asked him if he was a "Christian kind of person."  He said he used to be, but he didn't go to church any more so he guessed he wasn't a Christian any more.  I told him that I didn't believe you had to go to church to be a Christian.  But as a father (He had seven children) he would be held responsible for training them about the Bible--and that the church was a wonderful place for them to learn.  I shared that my church friends encouraged me.  That church was a place to find Christian friends.  Then I asked him why he quit going.

He said that he had not been included at the church he attended, and because he was Mexican, he was treated with hypocrisy.  We discussed that for awhile.  About hypocrites.  Both in and out of the church.  They are everywhere.  Hypocrites, bigots, and racists.

I have no idea what all I said, but he sat on my couch for an hour and discussed Jesus, God, the Bible, the church, and a million other things.  It was a natural thing for me to do, because that is what God has told us to do.  You can't memorize a "How to" method for doing this, because after you ask your first question--whatever it is--the conversation evolves, or doesn't, from there.  We are simply to care enough about people to ask.  And to share what God has done in our life.  And what He can do in their life.  The man thanked me, left, and a few minutes later he texted me and said, "Thank you for talking to me.  I'm going to take my family to church next Sunday."  God puts people in your path.  Be bold in the Lord.  Ask!!  What do you have to lose?  But Oh, what a wonderful thing they have to gain--friends at church, or even Christ himself.

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