Thursday, September 13, 2018

Austyn's temperature is gone.  He spent today praying for every medical helicopter that landed at the hospital he is in.  He knows what they are going through.  Sounds like he is improving.  He is concerned with the condition of others!!  They are still having trouble standing him up.  He's still in a lot of pain.  His parents said to thank all of you so much for praying for him.  They said that it means more than all of you can possibly imagine.

I moved 27 decorative concrete blocks yesterday.  Done.  I had to level all the bottom ones with dirt before I could place another one on top. I only smashed one finger.  It is purple, but not cut.

The guys next door and across the street just couldn't stand watching me work--so they came over and dug up roots, cut up limbs and generally helped me get finished with what I was doing.  My neighbors are awesome.  One of their wives told me that she heard two of them talking.  They called me a hard-working go-getter.  I've been called worse.

Tomorrow I am going to plant the spider lily bulbs that I brought over in pots.  There are thirty of them, but they are very small bulbs.  I can do it with a spoon.  Two of them are up and blooming.  There aren't many things that bloom in September.  They are gorgeous.

I saw my General Physician today.  She explains things better than the specialists.  Basically, what she said was that I need back surgery.  I've exhausted all my other options.  I knew that already--and I'm not ready to go there.  Ken always said, "Pain is just weakness leaving the body."  I watched my brother suffer with his back for years and years--and he's a doctor.  I'm at least as tough as he is.  And pain won't kill you.  I've always been fairly pain tolerant.  It is a matter of mind over matter.

I'll probably do it eventually, however.  It will become inevitable if I want to walk.  I just have to think about it for awhile.  I'm tired of people cutting on me.  I set off every alarm in the airport when I go through security.

I am amazed that God has let me live as long as I have.  I bless His holy name.  As long as I can take care of myself and keep digging in the dirt, I'm blessed.  So far, I've been able to do that.

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