Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Pray for Austyn.  He is so weak and has started to run a temp.  The family is asking everyone to pray.

Yesterday, I said all I needed was a chain and a pickup.  Today, a neighbor saw me digging and planting stuff and came to watch.  He asked what I was going to do with the five oversized eight foot hollies.   I explained my plan to remove them as soon as I found someone with a chain and a pickup, and he said, "I'll go get my pickup and chains.  Within 30 minutes, all of the shrubs were pulled up.  Another neighbor who came to watch said, "Leave them on the street and I'll get my chain saw tomorrow morning and cut them up into small pieces and we can get them in the our trash bins."

God is so good.  Every time I have a problem, He sends angels.  Who would think that someone I didn't know would come along with a chain and a pickup!  I'll get a rake tomorrow and level everything out.  I got a dolly and moved 36 landscaping blocks that were around the mailbox.  They were in terrible disarray.  I'm half way through.  I'll finish them tomorrow.

I was careful, because black widow spiders love the gaps between the blocks where it is damp.  They weave their spasmodic shapeless webs.  I killed three, and smashed their egg sacs.  That means fewer of them next year.  They thought they were hidden between the blocks, but I dispatched them.   I have always been interested in bugs, spiders, snakes, etc.  People think I am weird that way. But I am fascinated by them.  Someone has to do it!!!  I don't like to kill snakes or spiders that are the good guys.  Some people think all such animals are evil.  But that's not true.  I have a frog on the north side of the house.  He seems to be happy there--eating bugs.

As a matter of fact, the job God gave us in the beginning was: "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.  And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth." Genesis 1:26.  Fish, fowl, cattle, and creeping things.

I'm just doing what God told us to do.  Protecting the good critters and dispatching the bad ones.
And we are also responsible for the sea, the air, animals, and soil.  Read it again.  We aren't doing very well with those things.  We've polluted almost everything.  Sad.

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