Friday, September 28, 2018

 If My people, who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.  2 Chronicles 7:14

Did you ever wonder why your prayers seem to hit the ceiling and go no further.  Did you ever wonder why you feel distant from God.  Did you ever wonder why things didn't seen to be going very well in your life.  There's a reason, and conditions for changing the way you feel about things.  Not that feelings are what we base our salvation on--but you know what I'm talking about.  Things just aren't right in your life and you know it and wonder what to do.  Well, the scripture I gave at the beginning is packed with information.

1.  It is written to a specific group--God's people.  Us. He calls us "My people."
2.  You openly confess to the world that you are called by His name.  Christian.  Publicize it.
3.  You must humble yourself and fess up to the truth.  Whatever it is, you did it.  Repent openly.
4.  Say so to God.  That's what prayer is.  Conversing with God.  Pray.
5.  Seek His truth, His face.  Ask Him what he wants.  Ask Him to forgive you.  For "whatever."
6.  Stop doing what you are doing.  Sin is a word for anything in your life that you know you
     shouldn't be doing.  Disobedience.  He either directs your paths, or he doesn't.  Turn.  Repent.

Those are the conditions.  Then God gives the results of those conditions.

1.  He will hear you.
2.  He lives in a high and holy place far above and beyond us.  Heaven.
3.  He will forgive your sin.
4.  He will heal our land--our country, our nation, our homes, our lives.

There you have it.  How to get back to where you started from.  Back to the place where you began your Christian journey:  Humbled, publicly seeking God and accepting His terms in Christ, praying for forgiveness, seeking God's will, turning from sin.  It's a journey.  Paul calls it "Working out your own salvation with fear and trembling." We serve an awesome God.  He wants to hear us.

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