Tuesday, September 4, 2018

My friend Jeanette called me the other day to see if I was okay.  I had failed to post and it worried her because it was out of character for me.  What a great thing to have someone care enough to check on you when you don't follow your normal pattern.  Truth was, I had gotten so wrapped up in moving that I had forgotten to post.  I had written it, but forgotten to hit "Send."  Jeanette is one of two close friends I have made in Edmond.  Friends are one of life's greatest blessings.

David and Steven and Craig brought some of the stuff I hadn't yet moved over to my new house for me.  Flower pots, tools, etc.  There is a shed in my new back yard that I hadn't even had a moment to check out, or go into.  So when they started putting stuff in it, lo and behold, there were hanging nests of fierce black wasps inside.  Which they dispatched with Raid.  It will be nice to have a place for the wheel barrow and the roto-tiller.  As well as shovels, rakes, chain saw and such.  The tools of the gardening trade.  I can't wait to use them.  Minus the wasps.

When I left Beaufort Carolina in 1966, we were moving, and I had dug up a ton of red spider lilies to take to Oklahoma with me.  But I forgot and left them on the front porch in a paper bag when we left--because we were in such a rush to get on the road.  Last year Pat bought me a bunch of them.  And this year, she divided hers and gave me half.  So I am anxious to get them in the ground.  It's the perfect time to plant them. They were in pots the boys brought over--I stuck them in pots to hold them while until moved.  I hope they survived.

Lester Holt said something the other night that I thought was meaningful about McCain.  "John McCain has reminded us that we need heroes to believe in.  Men who are respected and admired by us all, who make us proud to be Americans."  True.  Not Democrats.  Not Republicans. But Americans.  Honorable men.

Ken was one of those.  I miss him.

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