Monday, June 22, 2020

David, my grandson (that bought my across-the-street house) smoked a brisket for Father's day and asked me to come eat with them.  Yum. 

It was a good weekend.  Rebecca Perkins came to stay a few days and left this morning.  She drove up from Dallas to see me.  And of course all the girls in my connection group were tickled to see her too. Becky Bacon is coming Thursday.

The question for the group on Sunday-- since the Bible says love people--was, "How do you love people you absolutely don't like."

They finally arrived at the conclusion that love is not a feeling, it is a behavior.  That it doesn't matter what you think, or what you say to them...what matters is what you do.  Be kind.  Don't argue.  If they need something, try--in as much as possible--to give them what they need. (Don't be a doormat, however.)

There are a number of people that I have to deal with (I can't get out of it) on a regular basis that I do not like.  Their behaviors and words are difficult.  I would love to write a list of appropriate instructions for them to follow on how to behave in public! They became adults without having absorbed proper adult behavior.  

I doubt any of them would listen anyway.

You don't get to choose who listens to you.

You might consider yourself lucky if anyone listens to you.

The question is, "Do you have anything relevant to say?"

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