Tuesday, June 2, 2020

What a mess.  And what is happening across America isn't solving anything.  It is getting everyone's attention, but nothing positive seems to be happening.  Just destruction.  Burning.  Looting.  Nobody seems to know what to do.

I wouldn't know where to start solving the problem.  I'm willing, but unable.  I think the only thing I know how to do is to help the people I come in contact with.  And vote.  Every solution to civil problems ends up in the hands of the people we vote for.

Legislation?  But what?  There are bad people around who do stupid things and it's very hard to cure stupid.  It is always with us.

We would like to legislate morality.  Decency.  Fair play.  Equal opportunity.  So we pass laws.  That's the only thing a government knows to do.  But you can't always legislate those things.  Everyone has to agree to them--and do them.

Authority is always granted from the bottom up not from the top down, and you can't always control what people decide to do with more laws.  When people are mad enough they will defy laws.  Because laws don't always work. 

If someone doesn't want to hire you, they will find a way around the law.  Ignore it.  Go around it.  Break it.  Human nature is flawed.

The answer is in changed hearts.  And only God can do that.  Governments may try, but to change people you have to do it from the inside out----not from the outside in.  "Jesus is the answer for the world today...beside him is no other...Jesus is the way." Those are the words to a song.  Nothing else seems to be working.  Maybe loving your neighbor as yourself might work.  

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