Monday, June 15, 2020

Jeanette made unleavened bread, bought some grape juice, and the class had the Lord's supper Sunday.  Probably didn't do it exactly the right way--if there is a right way--but it was very meaningful.  Jesus just said, "Do this in remembrance of me."  No instructions as to how.  None of us have been to church since January, and miss it.  We are still uneasy about the crowds.

Because......The rate of infection is going up again and everyone in the class has health problems.  One member is on anti-rejection drugs for a kidney transplant.  Two have been placed on blood thinners.  Two have diabetes.  One had heart surgery.  Breast cancer...on and on....

Moral:  If you live as long as we all have, something is seriously wrong with you besides old age.

But...we all are in good health!!!  Or at least we think we are.  Everyone feels fine and that's what counts.

We are doing the book of Proverbs.  And my mathematics background keeps cropping up.  So many of the Proverbs are "if--then" types of statements.  Like mathematical proofs. do this...THEN...good things are the result.  But do something else....THEN...things don't turn out so well.

I taught math on a college campus for twenty years and tell my class that much of the Bible is mathematical.  There are two paths.  If you take the right one...then God will bless you.  If you don't, well, things aren't gonna' be pretty.

If 2+5=7, then 7-5=2  God has a PhD in Math and Physics.  He invented them both...."In the beginning."  We are just discovering what He already knows.

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