Friday, June 5, 2020

I am not doing well this week on blogging.  I've been sitting on my derriere pushing furniture around with my feet, and it's caught up with me.  I moved a chest, my huge (Heavy) recliner, two tables and my ten ton stationary bike.

I got it done, but what was I thinking???

Every time I sit down today, I fall asleep.

Snail Mail.  It's all junk.  If I didn't get junk mail there wouldn't be any mail at all.

Same with e-mail.  For some reason that none of the computer gurus in my family can figure out, I am only getting junk.  All of the people on my contact list have been blocked.

And even though Ken has been gone for seven years, he is still getting mail--trying to sell him time-share in a condo in Florida.  Among other things.

I had my roof replaced from the hail last year, and ever since then, every insurance agency in a fifty mile radius has been trying to insure my house.  Which is adequately insured by my daughter in law Stacy in Pryor.  She takes care of all of that.  I wonder how those companies think I got my roof replaced.  It was a total loss.  Baseball hail.  Tore up the decking as well.

Sunday we start a new Bible study unit.  We finished Romans--not that you can ever finish Romans.  We are going to do Proverbs.  Which I call the book of "buts."  If you do this.....but....if you do that....  Everyone should do what comes after the "but."

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