Monday, June 8, 2020

When she was a little girl, my good friend Carolyn told her mom,  "I'm not going to do what you told me to do!!"

Her mother replied, "I can't make you do it, but I can for sure make you wish you had."

That's where God has us.  He can't make us do what is right, but He can for sure make us wish we had. 

So the book of Proverbs gives you the "Before," and "After."

It is a book of advice.  The good kind.

I don't know why people don't think there are consequences for the things they do.  There are consequences here on earth for the things we do, and also in the hereafter.

The opposite side of the coin is there are consequences for the things you do that are right.

I just want to be sure I am always on the "God side" of what I do.  I don't want the complications that come with disobedience.

Today, everyone wants to point out the exception to the rule for bad behavior, as if that somehow excuses it.  

Just do the right thing.  

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