Saturday, June 27, 2020

So much fun.  Two of my favorites   (Becky Bacon and Rebecca Perkins) came to see me in the same week.   Any of my friends or family can come...all you have to do is change your own sheets.  I no longer have the ability to get fitted sheets on the bed correctly...or at all.

They both call my house "Janie's B@B.  They bring snacks they want to eat--because I don't cook.  And they know where all the silver and dishes and the coffee pods are.  Those are my kind of friends.  All I have to do is enjoy them.

Becky Bacon said, "I love to "not talk" with you."  That's what we usually do.  We know all of each other's stories and it only takes one word for one of us to look at the other and laugh.  We don't even have to finish the sentence.

I picked another pod of okra, and the stalks are bearing and blooming.  I'm afraid this may be my last year to try and plant a garden.  The weeds have gotten away from me.  We'll see if the plants or the weeds win.  If the plants win, I'll try it again next year.

I called the church expecting to get a hard time about something I wanted to do.  But no!!  I got full support.  I want to change the literature.  I explained that the lessons the staff chose didn't fit the needs of senior adults.

Why did I think anyone would object???  Oh ye of little faith.

It got changed.  With a smile.  Whatever I wanted was what they wanted.

I'm happy.

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