Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Something happened that was special last night.  

It was nine o'clock and I walked out in the backyard with Squig for his last outing of the day.  And the sky around my back porch was literally lit-up with fireflies.  Everywhere. 

It looked like twinklers popping off and on.  I haven't seen a firefly in years.  I figured they were extinct from bug killers.

I couldn't help but think, we have a mighty God who can do anything He wants to do.  Even give bugs a flashlight.

I felt like I was a kid again.  But couldn't help but regret that back then, we would catch the lightening bugs and put them in jars.

Or when we were especially unthinking, pull their tails off and stick them all over us until we glowed in the dark.

Kids can be cruel. 

I sat down in a chair on my back porch and just watched the splendor of the moment and thanked God for letting me be there for the event.

The fireflies even came to where I was sitting to say "Hello."

It was special.

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