Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The crepe myrtle in my back yard had never been trimmed or topped off before I moved over here.  Probably 20 years old.  A shaggy untamed mess.  

I called Ron, my do-everything-outside-in-my-yard-guy, and he tore into it Saturday, and got it trimmed up into something resembling what a myrtle is supposed to look like.  It is still so tall--twice as tall as my roof.  It's going to take a fifteen foot ladder (at least) to trim it down.  But l'll wait until after it blooms in August to have that done.

I am so glad that I moved across the street to this house.  I had a Koi pond over there and it required maintenance every single day. The filter was always clogged up.  The water had to run constantly.  Day and night.  Night and day.

Besides that, I killed a bunch of Koi through ignorance.  I turned the pump off.  No oxygen is not a good thing for fish.  I felt really bad.  Really, really bad.

I had almost come to the conclusion that I needed to fill it in, with dirt, but there was so much expensive rock work (I didn't purchase the rock--it was there when I bought the house) that it seemed a shame.

I sold the house because I couldn't bring myself to fill it in, and didn't want to mess Koi with ever again. Don't build a Koi pond.  They are awful to maintain.

But the main reason I sold the house was because it had a steep slanted driveway.  Don't get one of those either.  I now live in a house across the street with a flat drive and no Koi pond.

I am very thankful.  So are the fish.

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