Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The virus is now rampant, but not killing as many people.  It is spreading among younger people who have the strength to endure it and don't have as many other serious conditions to acerbate it.  Maybe herd contamination will take over and all those younger people will get it, get over it, and then it will stop spreading??? 

We certainly couldn't go on the way we were.  Nobody had money to live through it except retirees.  People have to eat.  It was a question of do you get sick and maybe don't make it, or do you go broke and have no money to live on.

I think people voted with their feet.

I have a friend who is the accountant for a major city in Oklahoma and said that over half of the requests they have had for unemployment assistance were from unknown people who never worked for them.

Big opportunity for graft.  Which is sad.

I am in the group who has to be careful.  So I try.  But isolation has its consequences.  And none of them are good, except that I write more.  

I have been taking two "unknowns" out of my freezer every morning--where I have frozen a portion of leftovers and have no idea what it is.  After it thaws, I either eat it for lunch, or deep-six it.  It's a good time to do this.  So I don't have to go to the grocery store.  So far, everything has been good!  Meatloaf, Ham and pineapples, wild-rice stuffed peppers.  The up-side is I don't have to cook and my freezer is going to be clean--so I can start over filling it up again. 

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