Thursday, June 25, 2020

I went back outside last night at nine planning to enjoy the lightening bugs twinkle again.  Nope.  Not a single one.  

I waited and waited.  Nothing. 

It was a one night thing--the evening before.  Why?  Who knows.  I'm just thankful I was there when it it happened the night before.

Becky Bacon is here.  We are practicing distancing which is sad.  She is an RN and has been through the Corona wards in Tulsa in the last few days.

She is paranoid about it all because she knows how easily it transmits--and she isn't a spring chicken herself.

All of us older people are doing everything we can to keep from getting infected.  I had to go to Braums yesterday.  I had the attendant do all the touching when I inserted my Visa.  They keep disinfectant at the door.

When I get Corona, it won't be from lack of trying to be safe.

The only bad thing is that some people give you flack and make fun of you for being extra careful, wearing a mask, and disinfecting.  Why do people make fun of people for being careful?   

Older people are free game.  Whatever we do, some people always make fun of us.  I hope it makes them feel better about themselves.  Becky Bacon says it is a shame thing--some people grow up in a culture where shame is a control mechanism and when they are adults, that's what they do to others.

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