Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Today is going to be exciting.  I haven't had a haircut since before Christmas--or if I have--I don't remember it.  I look like a straight stringy pitiful mutt.  No body, no curl, no nothing.  It just lies flat on my head.

I even liked it better when I went to the beauty shop and said, "Shave my head."  Chemo.  Hair falling out.  I had a pretty okay looking bald hair cut.

The beautician said, "NO!! I'm not going to shave your head."  But she finally gave in and did it.  I told her that my hair was falling out in clumps and I couldn't stand the suspense and wanted it over with. 

Better to have no hair than look like someone ran over you with a lawnmower.

So today, I'm getting a perm.  It may be a mistake--and if it is, I'll shave it all off again.

I have a couple of really nice wigs, but if you've ever tried to wear one, you know how itchy and sweaty they are.  I'm not going there.  Nope.  

What you see is what you get.  If the perm goes south and kinks or burns, I'll just shave my head again.

And wear a pretty smile.

I wonder how the hair-dresser is going to do this with a mask.

I'll find out.

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