Monday, August 10, 2020

And there are other new things that I didn't have growing up.  One of my new things I love best is Google.

When I was younger I memorized a zillion scriptures in order to get the colored cards in Bible school.  If you memorized ten scriptures, you got another card.  I wanted all the cards.  And I knew where to find the scriptures in the Bible.

The scriptures stayed with me all these years.  Their addresses didn't.  I sometimes wasted a lot of time trying to find something.

Not any more.  I just write a couple of words from the scripture into Google and Shazam!! There it is.  Magic.

Those of you who grew up with this tool have no idea the amount of time it saves you.  Anything you want to know--there it is.  Want to know the day the next full moon is coming?  Google it.

My question is, how did all of that stuff get out there on the net and instantly  available to my fingertips???

Who put it there?  Are the historical sites accurate?

If I go to a fact check site, who checks the fact checks?

It's scary.  How do you know the truth?  I lived in Pryor, Okla less than a half mile from Google.  Who are they anyway!?

I'm sticking to scripture.  They all died from telling the truth.

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