Monday, August 24, 2020

My tomatoes have burned up and quit bearing.  I watered them every other day to no avail.  I think there must be some devil in the vine that said, "It's August.  It's too hot to make tomatoes."  The vines are still alive, and little green tomatoes are popping out, but it makes me sad there are no red ones.

My neighbor's mom (in her 90's) heard about me planting Jet Stars so she planted some and is now raving about them.  Scott (my son) told me about them.  There are just some tomatoes that do better in Oklahoma and Jet Stars are one of them.  The flavor isn't number one, but they are up there.  They are delicious and survive when everything else dies.  They produce a ton of fruit.  Scott bought me and my cousin Ann some.  Hers are doing better than mine.

If you aren't a gardener, you are probably happy with your store bought tomatoes.  But if you ever bit into a Heritage tomato, you would go buy a shovel and start planting.  Put them in your flower bed or between your shrubs.  You don't have to have a garden.  Stick them in the ground where there is some sun.  

God does the rest.  The sun comes up every morning.  Rain fills our aquifers and we can water what we plant if we need to.  Buy a hose.  That's it. 

God provides for our every need.  Before this pandemic, we all thought we needed more than we do.  Actually, we need very little.  Food, water and shelter.  Next on my list of wants would be air conditioning in the summer and heat in the winter.  And my dog.

Squig is a necessity. 

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