Thursday, August 13, 2020

It is August the thirteenth.  It should have been unbearably hot for the last two weeks, but no...It has been lovely.  It has rained over and over again.  For those of you in other states, be aware--it doesn't rain in Oklahoma in August.  It cooks.  Temps over one-hundred degrees every day are not unusual.

The grass turns brown and drys up.  Every thing you planted in March and April stoops over and dies--and the trees start loosing leaves.  But the trees right now are green, green, green.  The grass is lush.  Makes me wonder what September is going to look like.  I could get used to having more months like this one. 

Yesterday, I had to write a biography for The Daughters of the American Revolution.  I had never written one before.  I was a wreck before I got it done.  They've asked me to be their guest speaker on September, which is fine...I don't get nervous when I speak.  I've been a guest speaker numerous times.

However, telling someone things about myself was nerve-wracking.  I have never even written a resume' to apply for a job.  I just got hired.  By two different colleges based on being in the right place at the right time with the right degrees.

If you've never written a biography, try it.  What will people want to know about you???  What is important?  What isn't?  It was very difficult.  What do you put in?  What do you leave out?  I forgot to include that I have written a blog for seven years.  Also that I have a book coming out soon and have written two more that are on their way to a publisher.  I told them I had five children, ten grandchildren, and five great-grandchildren.  That's what seemed important to me. 

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