Tuesday, August 4, 2020

My daughter Becky's dog passed away in the night Sunday.   She had lost her hearing, was almost totally blind, but sweet and happy and wandered around the house causing no trouble.

But Friday or Saturday, Becky was trying to clean up her face and realized that under her schnauzer beard there was a growth.  She checked her neck and inside her mouth and realized it was not good.  It was time.

The decision was to take her to the Vet on Monday...but in the night, Craig got up with her to let her out and she fell in their swimming pool.  It was too much for her heart.  Craig jumped in immediately, but she didn't make it.

My other daughter Pat lost her dog Riley two weeks ago as well.  Our whole family is in dog mourning.  If you aren't a dog person, you won't understand.

I always thought dogs were dogs.  I didn't know they had personalities until I got Squig--who is a chicken.  Afraid of noise.  He hides and shakes.

My friend Jeanette's dog (Jones) is in charge of the world.  She doesn't even know she is a dog.  She thinks she is in charge of the world.  She may be?

Pat's new dog--Oscar--is good.  Just plain good.  Quiet.  Well mannered.  Pat brought him over and I dog-sat him last week.  Anytime I told him to go get in his crate, he said,"Okay," and went and got in the crate and lay down.

Becky is going to be looking for another dog.  Schnauzer.  Female.  Both she and Pat usually do rescue dogs so it might take awhile to find the right one.  

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