Friday, August 21, 2020

Writing this book about my brother has been interesting.  I don't know how he did what he did.  He was the first missionary into China in the seventies--after they had previously all been exiled--the Red Guard killed a bunch of them.  Some got out, but not all.  He spent two years in language school in Hong Kong learning Cantonese and then went to Macau and set up a clinic.

Black bag medicine.  They had diseases we don't see here very often.  TB, malaria, etc.  No anesthetics for surgery.  He was the only American physician in Macau.  They had no concept of what American medicine was capable of.

Mao had lost control of the Guard--a bunch of young people that Mao had instructed to get rid of teachers, doctors, educated people and get rid of resistance.  The Guard was soon out of control and it took the Red Army to shut them down.  (Army and Guard--two different things)  

Bill went to China just after all that.  Stayed 37 years.  He is a doctor, but all of what he did was free.  He drew a salary just like every other missionary.  He was the first American doctor into China and set up a physician exchange system for American and Chinese doctors.  First ever.  China had no medical equipment at the time like ours.  Actually they didn't have much of anything.  

Today I was writing a chapter about culture shock for the people he recruited to join him.  He said that if you went to a movie, they didn't have popcorn and cola, they had rat on a stick.  Dipped in batter and fried like a corn dog.  Toasted scorpions, worm cake...and a lot of other things that would make you gag.  He said he ate it all.  

You would have to be called by God to do the things he did.


1 comment:

  1. I've always hated corn dogs, but they don't seem so bad now.
