Friday, August 14, 2020

Friday.  Garage sale day and breakfast with Ann.  One of the things I have noticed when I go to these sales is the outrageous number of baby clothes and toys people have for sale.  Tables with hundreds of items.  

I can't imaging how one baby could have used all of those items before it grew out of them.  

And one-use appliances...things that you never use again.  Deep fryers, rice steamers, irons, George Forman grills, etc. --- if it was advertised on TV, wait three months and you can buy it for pennies on the dollar at a garage sale.

Although I  never buy anything, I can predict what we will see.  It's better than Target?

Josh and Craig rotated my mattress 90 degrees yesterday.  I am now sleeping on the foot of the bed turned sideways.  The side-to-side is now  the up and down.  I had caved in a hollow where I slept.  I am going to have to brave going out and buying a mattress.

By Friday every week, all I do is ramble.  I've used up all my words.

Have a blessed weekend.

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