Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Never in my life have I seen an August start like this one.  Rain, rain, rain and cool weather--by cool I mean in the 80's not the 100's!!  It's wonderful.

And today, I slept until 7:15.  What a God given blessing.  The last three days I was wide awake at 4:00 AM.  They say that older people don't sleep very well.  It is true.  All of my older friends seem to have the same problem.  But waking up after 7, and hearing the rain on the roof makes for a very thankful heart.

The scripture that comes to mind is: "In everything give thanks, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you."  That scripture covers it all!  Start the day with a thankful heart.  Do God's will about that.  

And the best thing is that it doesn't say "For" everything give thanks.  It says "In" everything.  In the middle of trouble.  In the middle of sadness.  In the middle of a pandemic.  In the middle of growing old.  In the middle of watching your children make mistakes.  Just be thankful for the things you have to be thankful for.  Your day will go better.  Have a thankful heart for what is good.

My feet don't hurt!! Yea!!  Some of my friends can hardly walk their feet hurt so bad.  My knees are good.  My fingers--no arthritis--so I can type.  My eyes are exceptional and my hearing is perfect they say.  I can go on and on and on about things to be thankful for at the age of 82.  

I've lived through multiple wars  WWII, Korea, Viet Nam, and God still reigns.  I'll have to depend on all of you out there to tell me if I lose my mind??  I think it's okay.  I am writing.  I can make a sentence.  I can plan.  Thank God for what I have--not for what I don't have.

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