Monday, August 17, 2020

Someone asked me yesterday, "Did Jesus break the law?"

My answer, "Yes, he was a lawbreaker--of Jewish law.  But not the ten commandments.  Not the Law that says to love the Lord your God with all your mind, heart and soul and love your neighbor as yourself."  The law of the land, however, was Roman law--not Jewish law.  If he broke Roman law it would have been because it was against God's law.

There is a time to stand up for truth. Righteousness.  For God. 

But the Jews added to the ten commandments hundreds of more laws that were ridiculous.  You could help a cow out of a ditch on the Sabbath but you couldn't help a man if he fell in a ditch...etc.  You couldn't touch a dead person--which Jesus obviously did.  

His disciples picked wheat or corn on the Sabbath and Jesus didn't rebuke them.  That was considered to be working on the Sabbath.  Jesus took a whip to the money changers in the temple.  There are other things that Jesus did that were Jewish no-no's.  He did what was right.  Always do the right thing.

In 1Corinthians 9:20-22, Paul says that to the Jews, he became a Jew.  To those who didn't have the (Jewish) law, He was not a Jew.  To the weak, he became weak.  In other words, don't offend people just to prove a point.  Paul said that he did what he did "...for the gospel's sake..."  Do that.

Would I break the law?  "Yep.  But only for the sake of the gospel of Christ."  There is a "Higher" law than the law of the land.  The disciples died for it.

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