Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Today is "Bean Wednesday."  Linda usually does the beans, but today I am cooking Navy beans.  With pieces of  ham I bought and cut up to cook in beans.

I grew up eating beans twice a week.  Once for dinner, and second time with leftovers the next day.  Unless you lived on a farm and had pigs and cows, you would have starved without beans and chicken.  Everyone had chickens running around inside the back yard fence.

Until we got a bunch of "laws" in the city.  Laws that are now being repealed.  Even in Edmond where I live, people can have chickens in the city limits if their yard meets size requirements--which doesn't mean you have to have an acre to qualify.

Eggs and milk.  Goats are coming back.  Only problem with goats is they chew up your landscaping.  But maybe milk and butter are going to become more important than shrubs in the near future.  People have to eat.

I would get some baby midget goats if I could fence off my okra patch and tomatoes.  But goats can jump a fence so that might not work.  Although, I haven't cooked okra for myself yet--I keep giving it away.

We are all more aware of the fact that we are dependent on slaughter house workers and truck drivers to get things to our local grocers.

We need food,  water, (medications for some of us) and a place to sleep.  I think people are starting to realize that much of what we thought we needed were actually "wants."  The Bible says, "But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:19

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