Friday, August 7, 2020

Every Friday, my cousin Ann picks me up and we go garage sale-ing.  I never buy anything.  But it is fun.  She keeps a basket full of toy things by her piano--she teaches lessons to dozens--and when the boy or girl does well, they get to pick an item from the basket.

So we are always looking for things for the "Basket" when we go to the sales.  Amazing the brand new never opened things we find for a quarter to keep her basket full.

I met an 89 year old very spry woman this morning who was born in 1931.  We had lovely time talking about the depression and war years.  We all love to remember our "era."   

I said something about going to my grandmother's house and trying to patch tires along the way when the inner tubes blew out.  (Most of you don't know about inner tubes--tires were in two parts back then.)

She said her grandparents lived in Kansas and it was a six tire patch trip. Amazing how many things from the 30's, 40's and 50's are obsolete.

Progress is good.  I love the microwave.  I love my phone that I talk to and it sends messages.  I love that it keeps all my numbers and I don't have to go get a phone book and look it up.  Most of you have probably never seen or used a phone book.

I love that I don't have to change the ribbon in a typewriter and use carbon paper to duplicate.  And my Mac remembers what I write.  And Google!  Oh my, I can find answers instantly to anything I want to know or remember.

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