Monday, August 3, 2020

I am  hooked on the TV show "Married at First Sight."  It's my first real addiction since "I Love Lucy!"

What I find interesting is that the panel reviews thousands and thousands of people who submit applications, and are able to get it right most of the time. Far better success rate than people choosing someone themselves.

Most match-ups are in their late twenties or thirties and have had no success in finding a lasting relationship themselves.  Most are very attractive, successful and personable.

One of the women said about the man she was paired with, "He's not my type."
It turned out to be exactly right for her.

The panel responded, "Your type dumps you every time.  You keep choosing the same type over and over again.  Let's try matching you with someone who will be good to you, faithful, in it for the long term and wants to be married." 

But lately, the show, like so many others that start off wholesome, has turned to sexual suggestions, conversations, depictions, and constant alcohol consumption get-togethers.

It is no longer fun, interesting, and exciting to watch the pair-ups.

They have lost me if they don't revert to their original format.

Interesting how many shows go off course.

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