Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Everybody is so good to help me.  I have over a dozen containers from this last week where people have brought me something to eat.  Now I have to remember who they belong to.

I am so thankful for the thoughtfulness.  

I've been thinking about all the times in my past when I cooked a meal for my family and took an extra plate to someone.  I didn't have a clue how much that meant.  It took nothing to do it.  I was feeding six; another plate was just another plate.  No big deal.

But for the person on the receiving end it is invaluable.

Jeanette's son Brad has adopted me.  He is a fabulous cook--especially of Chinese food.

Linda Kerley--who used to live next door--cooks beans every Wednesday.  I do the cornbread and feel somewhat useful.  Last week, someone had gone to the grocery store for me and bought cornmeal mix instead of cornmeal.  I didn't notice on the package and made the cornbread as usual.  It was so bad we couldn't eat it.  I threw it out.  I don't even know if I can cook anymore???

Becky--my daughter invites me over regularly or sends a plate.  BBQ ribs, asparagus risotto, grilled hamburgers.

I'm eating better than ever.  What a blessing.  I keep thinking, "Somewhere in my Youth or Childhood, I Must Have Done Something Good?"  (Along with Julie Andrews in the Sound of Music)

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