Thursday, August 27, 2020

My friend Carolyn told me that she heard someone say that people are born with two choices.  To accept Christ, or deny Him.  She told them that they really only have one choice.  If they don't choose, they have already chosen.

We were talking about how to explain why we are Christians and I said that it is totally dependent on the written account of Christ.  You believe it, or you don't.  Why do I believe it?  I do because of the written accounts of the men who followed Him.  And that is all dependent on the truth of the resurrection.

Christ died, his disciples went back to their day jobs--fishing.  It was over as far as they were concerned.  But then, He appeared and they were never the same.  They all died in the process of telling of Jesus rising from the dead.  Fishing was done.  They spent the rest of their lives going their separate ways, telling the story and losing their lives for doing so. They never went back again. 

I love the story of Thomas.  He gets a bad rap for being "Doubting Thomas."  But it was his doubts that makes the story so powerful.  Jesus appeared to ten of the disciples; Thomas wasn't there. The ten rushed to tell Thomas what happened--that Jesus was alive, risen from the dead--and Thomas said, "I don't believe it.  And I won't believe it unless I put my hand in his side where he was stabbed, and put my finger in the hole in the palms of his hands."

Jesus appeared to Thomas, told him to put his finger in the holes and his hand in His side.  Which Thomas didn't need to do.  Thomas fell to his knees and gave us the most powerful personal testimony in the Bible:  "My Lord, and my God!"  The only time in scripture that someone looked at Jesus and said, "My God."  

I believe.  There is nothing as powerful as a personal testimony like that.

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