Monday, September 19, 2022

 As the world has watched the memorials for Queen Elizabeth, I am sure you have been struck as I have been at the millions that waited hours, even days by the side of the road--quietly, just waiting for the procession with her body to pass by.  Total respect for her was evident in a way we will never see again for a world leader.

Can you imagine that type of outpouring for anyone else of our world leaders?  We Americans can’t stand still for five minutes for hardly anything.  I thought of Putin and am sure he is jealous--he wants to restore himself as Czar of Russia.  But has no respect in the world.  He is a tyrant.

I remember her coronation.  I remember her taking the reins and trying to rebuild England after WWII.  Churchill, Stalin, Truman, FDR, all of it.  I remember.

It is sad to lose a person that the entire world respects.  But to get the respect of the world, you have to be respectful yourself.  She was.  For me, this is the end of an era that I lived through.  None of them are left now.  Those of us who lived through WWII have a different perspective on world events.  And the loss of great individuals that changed the way the world works together when tyrants try to take control.

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