Monday, September 5, 2022

My spider lilies have popped up.  Bright red.  They put leaves up in the spring and then the leaves die.  Come September,  a thin green shoot starts growing up out of the ground.  Slender.  And then a multi-faceted bloom appears on top.  The shoots grow three inches every day until they are about eighteen inches high.  

They don’t last, but are so pretty while they are here.  I would divide them, but when the time comes to do that, I can’t find them. They are bulbs, doing their thing under ground, dividing into more bulbs.

One scripture from the first chapter of James that I taught Sunday is a verse we all memorized when we were young.  “Every good and perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights, in whom there is no variableness--neither shadow of turning.”  

We get a zillion gifts from God that we forget to thank him for.  Spider lilies are one of his gifts.  We were in Beaufort S.C. in ‘66 and there were hundreds of them in our yard.  I dug a bunch of them up, put them in a paper sack and set them on the porch to bring with me to Pryor when Ken left for Vietnam.  In the hustle and bustle, I forgot to put them in the trunk of the car.  So...Pat ordered me a dozen of them a few years ago and every time they bloom, I think about the ones I left on the porch in Beaufort and hope someone is enjoying them. 

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