Tuesday, September 13, 2022

The yews (evergreen shrubs) all over town are dying.  Huge bushes, six feet high, sometimes ten feet across.  I planted one in the spring...it is almost all burnt up.  There are spots of green, so I haven’t given up on it.  It wasn’t lack of water, it must have been the heat.  The only thing at this point that can save it is prayer.

The man who mulches my flower beds every fall broke his leg.  Finding someone to drag the bags of mulch in my shed around to the front beds is almost impossible.  I gave my wheelbarrow to Craig, or I would do it myself.  I think I could cut the bags open and spread the mulch....maybe.  But I would pay for it.  Probably couldn’t stand up after I did it!

It is cooler here, thank God.  I sat out on my back porch last evening and watched the clouds waft overhead.  It is the most peaceful place in the evenings.  I just don’t know why God made mosquitoes.  They serve no useful purpose but to irritate me.  I have no standing water anywhere for them to breed, so my neighbors must have some.

Winter is coming.  I wonder if it will be as extreme as the summer has been.  Our weather is definitely been altered.  California is burning, states are under water, crops are failing.  God is going to have to intervene because people on earth don’t seem to be able to control their behavior.  He may just let us reap the results of how we have abused his earth??? 

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