Friday, September 2, 2022

 Pat and Tom took me to Texas Road House last night.  I cold do that restaurant if they didn’t bring out the basket of rolls first.  It gets me every time.  Of course, I ate too many, was miserable and couldn’t go to sleep.  I was up walking around all evening till midnight popping those antacid pills. 

Why do we do things like that to ourselves?  I think it is the Texans.  And their Road House.  The place was packed with people waiting to make themselves miserable.  And waiting over thirty minutes to get a table to eat the rolls.  By the time they bring your steak, you can’t eat it all.

I repent.  Next time, I will tell the waitress to bring the bread when she brings the steak.  Not during the time you are waiting on your meal.

By the time we got seated it was after six-thirty and seven before the meal...and I can’t eat that late and go to sleep. The problem time...I will have forgotten all of this.

Ann picked me up this morning and brought me three helpings of chicken enchiladas and a two servings of eggplant Parmesan.  I love both of those things.  Eating is going to kill me I am afraid.  Everyone is trying to help me.  I really do appreciate it...God and his children are keeping me fed.

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