Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Getting a book published is the most frustrating thing I have done in years.  I have a beautiful handout (on expensive paper in color) that the publisher sent me to give to people--describing the book.  Saying my book would be in bookstores on November 7, 2021.  Never happened.

I have heard every excuse in this world for the delays. The printer went bankrupt.  The supplier couldn’t get paper.  Printing companies are dragging their feet on hard back books verses paperback....etc., etc., etc.

Everyone who has read the edited copy says: publish on Amazon.  But the difference in self-publishing and getting a licensed publisher is huge.  At the top is advertising.  A publisher gets the news out in state and local newspapers.  They distribute to libraries.  They set up book-signing dates in every book store in your state, and my publisher has even got dates in military base PXs. are at their mercy.  Once you sign a contract, they are in control.

I put a number of stipulations in the contract concerning changing dialog in film rights, etc. but what I should have done was put a due-date in it.  That way, if not published within a certain time-line, the contract would be voided.  Live and learn.  The pandemic almost put bookstores out of business and numerous publishers went out of business--so most of the delays were legitimate, however, my frustration level is huge. 

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