Thursday, September 8, 2022

I never understood why people let their property run down and drop through the cracks.  As I have grown older, I understand.  Something needs to be fixed...constantly.  Something needs to be attended to. 

And finding someone to do what needs to be done is difficult.  My friend Carolyn finally gave up and decided she couldn’t pull the weeds in her flower beds any more and found someone to do it.  At a hefty price.  But when they left, she pulled a number of sack fulls of weeds they missed. 

They came back after she complained, and still did a poor job.  That’s the frustration of hiring people.  I have a lawn service that has been raising crab grass in my back yard.  I call and tell them about it, they look at it, spread something on it and the crab grass grows greener.  I called another service, but who knows if they will do better.  I just want the crab grass gone.

My front yard is fescue and it’s so hot that everything there is brown.  I think the thing to do is just let it all go---as I said, I understand now why things get run down.  When Ken was here he took care of all of that.  And when Carolyn’s husband Wayne was here, he did too.

The Bible says to take care of the widows.  You can’t even find anyone to pay to do it.   Thank God I have Tony.  Even if it’s just a light bulb, he comes.  And Carolyn has Nathan.  But what about all of the other older people.  Who do they call.  Who can they call.  It’s really hard to find handymen to fix things.  They aren’t raised to do it anymore. 

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