Tuesday, September 20, 2022

What I have observed, is that people talk about one of three things. 

1.  They talk about things.  Their car, shoes, jewelry, vacation accommodations, boats, sports, etc.

2.  They talk about people.  “...did you hear about what Joe did!” or “I really don’t like Suzie.  She thinks she is better than everyone else.”  Seldom saying anything nice.

3.  Or...they talk about ideas.  And there are two categories in this group.  The first group orates.  They get on a box and talk “at” you.  Do not interrupt.  This group can’t share their thoughts without falling into the second group that criticizes people who think otherwise than they do.  They have never learned to discuss.  They have chosen one side of an idea and go to war.  Dividing people.  Slashing and burning.

The other side of this group actually wants to learn something.  They may say something like, “What do you think about....” and listen to you.  They may ask how you arrived at your idea.  They are actually interested in what you have to say.  I had the privilege of growing up in a family like this. Every Sunday at the dinner table, aunts, uncles, grandparents and friends discussed ideas.  We were taught not to argue, just share.  We had to know why we thought why we did--who, or what, influenced us. I am having a hard time finding those people any more.

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