Tuesday, October 18, 2022

Every morning, Pat wakes me up at 7:30.  This morn, I rolled back over and went back to sleep.  Which means that I am late on everything today.

Yesterday, I was telling you that I am teaching from Paul’s letters to Timothy and how different the tone is from his other letters.  He describes how the world will become more and more rebellious and godless and for him not to be discouraged.  

It sounds like he is describing today.  He tells Timothy to remember what he has learned from Scripture, and remember who taught him what he knows--his mother and his grandmother.

I find it strange how many Christians go to church, participate in group gatherings, listen to people speak on TV, but never read the Bible for themselves.  I’ve been teaching classes since I was seventeen, and to be honest, I haven’t found very many people who read the Bible. 

They come.  They listen.  But they don’t read it themselves.  And I know that if you don’t set a regular time and place to read...you won’t get it done.

But the strange part for me is that they don’t want to read the Bible.  That’s the part I don’t understand.  The book that is the basis for belief in life eternal should spark some sort of curiosity in a person I would think.  

People say it is hard to read--that they don’t understand what they are reading.  All I can say is “Get another translation!”  It’s the communication from God.  Surely we should want to know what He has to say.  Every time I read, I learn something new.  Like yesterday when I found out that Peter endorsed Paul’s letters as “gospel.”  Although I love to read what the super-educated Paul writes, you have to love Peter as a person.  He was so very human...like us.

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