Wednesday, October 5, 2022

I have not blogged because I am trying to get a book to a different publisher.  It has consumed me.  I have read and reread and edited until I am exhausted.  Don’t give up on me.  I’ll get back to blogging soon.

Squig is doing well.  The vet is surprised.  So am I.  He has started eating again, and has quit throwing up.  Praise God.  He is my best friend right now.

Jeanette brought me sweet and sour chicken with pineapples.  It is so delicious that I have eaten it twice today.  

The book is about my brother’s life.  He should be dead a dozen times over from his exploits in China, Tibet, Mongolia, Viet Nam, Laos, Macau, and Korea.  To name a few places.   I sent it to Jack Hardy in Pryor (The Pryor Paper) and he wants me to get it out there.  All of the encouragement helps.  Carolyn is on me every day.  I wouldn’t have finished it if she hadn’t helped me.

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