Wednesday, October 26, 2022

I did it!!!! I submitted a book for review.  And it was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.  I have no secretarial skills, Nada, zilch, none...and as I have said before, I hold the title for the world’s greatest procrastinator.  I lost 10 pounds of anxiety in the process...however...the next time I do this, send something to a publisher, I will already have typed up all the stuff they it will be easier.   

With procrastinators, there is always a feeling of anxiety because you know you are failing, and you know that whatever it is that you are putting off, you have to do it.  You can’t escape.  You are just delaying the necessary.  Why?  I don’t know. 

The solution is to do what you have to do.  Now!  Since I know I will put something off that I don’t want to do, I have a list in my head for the mornings that I follow religiously.  I have a rule in my head that if I don’t do the first things on my list, I can’t have my morning cup of Darjeeling tea.  And I am a psychotic rule follower!  That’s why I say I would have made an excellent Pharisee. 

One of those things I have to do is microwave a sweet potato.  It is one of the only things left that Squig can eat that he likes.  He has almost quit eating canned or dry dog food at all.  He has almost quit eating period.  He sleeps all of the time, but doesn’t seem to be in pain.  He no longer gets me up in the morning.  Bless him.  He doesn’t feel good and so on my mental morning list, I fix a sweet potato before I drink tea.  But every now and then, he brings me a toy and asks me to throw it, which I do.  But only occasionally does he have the strength to go get it.  So I go get it and throw it again.  He wants to play, and having me play seems to make him happy even through he can’t participate.  I love this sweet creature. 

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