Tuesday, October 11, 2022

I successfully attached a document I had written with a “Paper clip” to an email I sent to a publisher.  I feel like a grown up!!!

 Just about the time I learn how to do things on my phone or my Mac, it becomes obsolete and I have to start over.  This generation throws things away without a care in the world.  I go into remission when I even think about throwing something away.

This generation also learns to do the new thing immediately.  I don’t.  I have to do it the wrong way at least a dozen times before I remember that isn’t how it is done. That’s the reason I haven’t let Craig talk me into buying a new car.  I don’t want to learn where any new switches, buttons or toggles are. I like the ones I’ve got. 

I learned to parallel park at 16 and can do it perfectly.  And I haven’t hit the curb yet.  Or anything else--if you don’t count the plastic garbage can sitting next to my driveway.

I also don’t get the obsession with “The latest thing” or “New” or “Different.”   I’m perfectly happy with what I’ve got.  I’ll get something else when my old “thing” breaks.  

I am at war with AT&T over 5G right now.  Every time they find a new widget, I get it whether I want it or not.  And of course, I get (Have) to pay for it whether I want it or not.  I have fewer and fewer choices anymore.  

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